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<CldVideoPlayer />
Basic Usage

Getting Started with CldVideoPlayer

The CldVideoPlayer component helps to embed Cloudinary videos using the Cloudinary Video Player (opens in a new tab) giving you a full customizable experience for your player.

Basic Usage

To add a video player, use the CldVideoPlayer component with the basic required props width, height, and src and import the Video Player CSS on the page that you'll be using the component.

import { CldVideoPlayer } from 'next-cloudinary';
import 'next-cloudinary/dist/cld-video-player.css';
  src="<Public ID>"

Using the App Router in Next.js 13+? Add the "use client" directive at the top of your file.


You can further take advantage of features like customizing your player:

import { CldVideoPlayer } from 'next-cloudinary';
import 'next-cloudinary/dist/cld-video-player.css';
  src="<Public ID>"
    accent: '#ff0000',
    base: '#00ff00',
    text: '#0000ff'
  fontFace="Source Serif Pro"

Player Events

Or listening to player events for advanced interactions with:

import { CldVideoPlayer } from 'next-cloudinary';
import 'next-cloudinary/dist/cld-video-player.css';
  src="<Cloudinary URL>"
  onMetadataLoad={({ player }) => {
    console.log(`[CldVideoPlayer] Duration: ${player.duration()}`);
  onPause={({ player }) => {
    console.log(`[CldVideoPlayer] Current Time: ${player.currentTime()}`);

See your browser's web console to preview the information logged in the above callbacks.

Watch & Learn

View on YouTube

Learn More about CldVideoPlayer